是啊,做什么检测好呢。作者: hohim2004 时间: 26-9-2010 00:56
I only listen, I haven't test, how do i know....
I know is not about balance problem.
Avalon is FF car. The varbation is it from the front???
Is increase to 100KM varbation or after 100KM to200KM still varbation?作者: fatfat_baby 时间: 26-9-2010 03:28
车轮是原厂的吗?作者: RC0512 时间: 27-9-2010 09:11
有可能是变速箱的问题,降档时机太晚,去做个service吧作者: hohim2004 时间: 27-9-2010 10:37
你軚紋四條一樣嗎?作者: jacobzhang 时间: 28-9-2010 03:55